Lummus Technology, a provider of process technologies and value-driven energy solutions, has announced new analytical services for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as “forever chemicals.”

The services provide accurate detection of a wide range of PFAS compounds, helping water and wastewater operators assess contamination levels and monitor progress of their treatment systems.

“With the ability to test for PFAS compounds in-house, coupled with our existing PFAS destruction technology, Lummus can fully support its customers in tackling their water and wastewater challenges,” said Rutger Theunissen, Chief Business Officer of Services and Supplies, Lummus Technology. “We are now equipped to detect, assess and deliver a solution to destroy these forever chemicals, helping our customers eliminate PFAS efficiently and sustainably.”

Housed at the Lummus Green Circle Labs in LaPorte, Texas, the analysis equipment can precisely analyse a set of 40 PFAS compounds down to parts per trillion levels. This precise testing requires minimal sample preparation, which can save time and reduce the risk of sample contamination.

PFAS are a large range of synthetic fluorinated organic compounds that have been produced and widely used in industrial applications and consumer products since the 1930s. Commonly referred to as forever chemicals, PFAS do not naturally break down in the environment and can cause health problems in high exposure cases.